lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008


In October last year I decided to start studying at University again. This time, I made my choice taking under consideration just what I like the most: languages. During the last two weeks, many students have been discussing in the “Forum” the need to limit the use of pesticides, the negative impact of chemicals on the environment and the worrying emergence of resistant bacteria. But crops are not the only thing that can be hit by pests and plagues.
I have recently started working in a big company. In the office there's no noise, no comment. The general behaviour is as "colourless" and "tasteless" as the furniture. Tapping fingers write, while eyes are permanently fixed on the screen. There is no pulse, no acceleration, no passion: only the permanent communication of faceless men with their computers.

Employees have become robots, all of them educated in a mixed, foreign language, a kind of "Martian" consisting of four hundred words in different languages, with a scrambled syntax and strange morphological rules. The language of the future is neither English nor Chinese, but "Potpourri".
It is impossible to understand this indecipherable mixture. As a matter of fact, no one understands the others properly. One can just understand the inmediate, the specific rules of the specific, though abundant, work to be done.

This paucity of the "Martian" language guarantees mental submission, obedience. During "breaks", people go down together to have some coffee. Day after day, they sit facing each other and remain silent. They are all dressed in uniform: the uniform of a limited communication. It is the expression barrier of a society which considers itself "cosmopolitan". A society that speaks the language of that hunchback who performed in "The Name of the Rose". PENITENZIAGITE.
The linguistic "brake" to fluent communication has led to a deeper limitation of thought. No one understands properly what he or she does. A few days ago, while we were trying to find out who the customer who had made an incoming payment was, one of my mates inmediately excluded a South African company. I asked her why she had excluded that client. She answered that the customer could not have been the one who had paid, because he was South African. I then asked how could she be so sure that the payer was not South African. She inmediately answered that the money had been transfered from Russia. Once again, I enquired about the reason why she knew that THIS was the origine of the money. She explained: "This payment has been done in "ZAR". I then wanted to know which currency ZAR was. She admited that she did not know it. Finally, I decided to look it up in Internet. ZAR is an abreviation which stands for South African Rand. The payment came precisely from South Africa.

Unlike silent operators, managers are often very chatty: expert communicators and manipulators who are constantly taking part in sociology and psychology courses. It is the mass indoctrination of a totalitarian state with a facade of benevolence. In fact, this is nothing but the society described by Susanne Colins: silent, obedient workers and an élite of manipulators.
I can only think of one "spray" that can defend us of such ideological and cultural submission bacteria: a reflexive use of language. Recently, I have read some comments in the UNED forum encouraging limitation, lower demand, lack of depth and equalization of University level to private "academia". People complain of how difficult English can happen to be and requires that a lower level is inmediately set, in order to make it possible for everyone to get a degree. This is nothing but the result of a rather spread philosophy. Actually, the philosophy of "I have already paid for my degree and I claim what I have paid for". It might be worthy to remember that University has never been the Paper Money Factory of the European Central Bank but a meeting point for a reflective, collective, universal way of thinking. And something as precious as universal knowledge should under no circumstances accept limits.

I paste here a link that I have found particularly graphic: